목록bessel equation (1)
Physics World(물리,수학)
Bessel's Equation, Bessel's Function Ch5.4
Bessel's Equation, Bessel's Function Ch5.4 이전글: physical-world.tistory.com/40 Forbenius Method-Extended Power Series Method(프로베니우스 방법)Ch5.3 Forbenius Method-Extended Power Series Method(프로베니우스 해법)Ch5.3 -이전 글physical-world.tistory.com/38 Legendre Polynomial with Rodrigues' formula(르장드르 방정식의 로드리게스 공식) Legend.. physical-world.tistory.com $$\text{Bessel's equation}$$ 다음과 같은 방정식을 베셀 방정식이라 부른다. $$x^2y..
공학수학(미분방정식)/Series Solutions of ODE(급수해), Special 함수
2020. 12. 17. 00:02